Friday, February 12, 2010


Yes, we're going to address the Big Ones today: those things that are physically large and take up way too much space in your home, but that you don't want to talk about.

That too-heavy-to-lift desk from your self-employed brother-in-law whose business went belly up. It's sitting silently in the corner of your family room, piled with unused coats, DVD cases, your bicycle helmet, and books to return to the library.

The extra sofa you bought and are storing in the garage for your daughter who's away working on her graduate degree.

The four-wheeler parked out back that you haven't ridden in eight years.

The five-piece suitcase set stuffed in the spare bedroom closet. You used the carry-on bag once, but don't want to get rid of them all because you paid so much and "it's a set."

The piano you never play but bought for your son when he was taking lessons twelve years ago. He's a military man now.

The extra refrigerator you keep in the garage and plug in once a year when you host your family barbecue.

The chalkboard from your unsuccessful attempt at homeschooling.

The antique bed frame, in pieces, awaiting repair.

The rototiller.

The jogging stroller.

The tent trailer.

The sewing machine.

The kayak.

The pool table.

The wooden console tv.

These examples may not be your elephants, but if you mindfully walk around your home, garage, and property, you will instantly know your own elephants. If you're honest with yourself, you will admit you don't currently use any of those things, yet there they sit, taking up valuable floor and mind space, nagging at you to DO SOMETHING, to BE SOMETHING "better" than who you are: "Exercise! Travel! Take up music! Garden! Educate! Refinish! Camp! Quilt! Play! Watch!"

Listen to me friends: who you are is PRICELESS. You are enough, just as you are.

If any of your elephants can easily and safely be carried out to your car without hurting yourself, go do that. If your elephants are too bulky, heavy, or awkward, call a charity thrift store or a nearby church and offer to give them to whomever can move them (please be safe around people you don't know well). Donate those guilt-mongers to someone who loves to jog while pushing a baby stroller, refinish antiques, kayak, camp, stitch, or till up dirt.

You are enough, just as you are.