Monday, January 11, 2010


Are you deep into the winter doldrums? Are the overcast skies and dark mornings creating a blah-ness that permeates not only your mood but your home?

Well, shake it off with a 10 minute trash purge!

Take a fresh 13 gallon garbage bag (not the flimsy little ones you get at the grocery store) and turn up some fast music that makes you dance.

Start in your bathroom medicine cabinet and collect all lotions, facial scrubs, spot treatments, and eye wrinkle creams that you haven't used in three months. NOW THROW THEM OUT.

Next, pull back the shower curtain or open the shower doors and look at all the bottles and tubes you have amassed there. THROW OUT THINGS YOU ARE TRYING TO USE UP BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. Who said you have to use something you don't like? Pitch 'em.

Now go to your sock and pantyhose drawer. ANYTHING WITH HOLES BELONGS IN THE TRASH. Do it. Toe holes do not bring a smile to your face. All they do is pull you down further by nagging you to either use them up 'til they fall apart, or go buy new ones. Well save yourself 50% of that stress by throwing them away. And schedule a shopping trip to replace your socks and hose. Do it this week,

Pilled and faded sweaters depress you. The little metal shavers don't work. Re-dying clothing is too much trouble.
THROW THOSE OLD CLOTHES AWAY. The charity thrift stores would have to do it for you if you donated those sweaters to them. They don't sell junk, and you shouldn't have to wear it, or keep it either. You would be taking money away from your favorite charity if you donate pilled and faded sweaters because they have to pay for disposal costs for unwanted or un-salable merchandise. Why pass the cost of disposing of your trash onto charities?

Throw those sweaters in the bag.

And if you still have that live evergreen wreath hanging on your front door, take it down NOW and pitch it. It is NOT "the holiday season" anymore. It's January, and spring is just around the corner.

OK, 10 minutes are up. Tie that bag and take it out to the trash cans/dumpster/trash chute. That wasn't difficult! And I bet you feel better now, too.

These mini-purging sessions are addictive. We'll do more soon. In the mean time, keep warm and keep smiling!