Friday, June 19, 2009

Evaluate Your Purchases

The clutter in your life is a direct result of YOU allowing it into your house. You are responsible for your living environment, no matter if you own your home, rent an apartment, or share a dorm room with a classmate.

You are also responsible for taking credit for the good buys you have made. You and I have many objects in our homes that are NOT clutter to us. They are good purchases--things we are glad we spent money on.

For inspiration, here is a short list of some of my good purchases:

cell phone
Shabby Chic comforter
high-quality cross-training shoes (make me sound so athletic don't they?)
portable DVD player for my kids to take on car trips
favorite blue jeans
slow cooker

I happen to know three people for whom my list of good purchases would be total clutter. But their lists may be clutter to someone else.

Take a few minutes and list ten of your good purchases, and why you consider them good. Congratulate yourself on buying those things. See? Not everything around you is junk!