Monday, May 25, 2009


Calm is the opposite of chaos.

Which way do you want to live?

Which way are you currently living?

You don't have to live with stuff everywhere. You don't have to live with mess and disorder and an endless tidal wave of things spilling out from every closet, drawer, cupboard, and tabletop.

You can create a calm atmosphere, a sense of serenity, peace, beauty.

"HOW?!" you ask. "I work full-time. My house is a mess. I have too many commitments. I can't keep up with it all!"

You are absolutely right: you can't keep up with it all. Humans were not made to withstand constant stress. You know instinctively that clutter causes stress. So today, you are going to GET RID OF SOME STRESS.

Three is an easy number to remember, so search for and THROW AWAY three of the following items. (You can copy and paste this list into a Word document and use it as a checklist for yourself. Then THROW AWAY THE LIST WHEN YOU'RE DONE. You don't need more paper clutter.) Go get a big trash bag.

Start in the bathroom. Throw away:

  • three bottles of things you never use anymore
  • three expired cosmetics
  • three ratty washcloths

Now to your bedroom. Throw away:

  • three pairs of ratty underwear
  • three pairs of worn socks
  • three T-shirts you haven't worn in over a year
  • three pairs of shoes that look grimy (think worn out flip flops, tired running shoes, sandals you've had since junior high)

To the kitchen. Throw away:

  • three stupid refrigerator magnets you thought were cool at the time
  • three expired boxes or cans of food (you have some, so LOOK!)
  • three chipped plates or cups
  • three phone books or catalogs (you know you have some on the counter or stashed in a drawer somewhere)
  • three disgusting rags or sponges underneath the sink

To the living room. Throw away:

  • three magazines
  • three catalogs
  • three pet or kid toys that never get played with anymore
  • three dead or dying plants or flower arrangements

To a closet (pick one). Throw away:

  • three gift bags you'll never re-use
  • three empty boxes you're saving to use to send Christmas presents
  • three stupid things (you have more, but limit it to three)

Now tie up that trash bag, and take it out of your home.

Don't you feel better already?

"OK, I do, but now I have momentum and I want to do more."

Great! So now that you have a burst of energy, put it to good use and CLEAR OFF AS MANY FLAT SURFACES AS POSSIBLE. Long stretches of uncluttered flat surfaces create a sense of calm, even if the floor needs mopping or the frig needs cleaning out. That's my biggest housekeeping secret.

  • So go make your bed quickly. Don't make hospital corners, just make it up so it looks nice.
  • Wipe down and put away the toaster, blender, coffee pot, and KitchenAid that are sitting on your counters.
  • Clear off the coffee table and put three things back on it.

Now relax and experience a little CALM in your mind and spirit today!