Sunday, December 14, 2008


Christmas brings out the micromanager in me like nothing else. I want to be the one to wind the glittering garlands around the tree. I want to hang each decoration just so. I want to cut out the gingerbread cookies. And I want to wrap all the gifts.

I have three kids and well-honed delegation skills, but there are things I do just because I enjoy doing them.

Some people feel this way with disposing of their junk.

If you enjoy micromanaging your junk, great! Have a ball. But if you're looking for efficient and quick disposal of your stuff, simplify your life by having two or three final destinations for your cast-offs.

For supreme decluttering efficiency, consider these three:

1. trash
2. recycling center
3. charity thrift store

Any additional options and you're complicating the issue, making more work for yourself, and cutting into your gingerbread-cookie-decorating time.

With my first client, a highly intelligent and motivated business owner, we chose three options for where to move her discards: the trash, a thrift store, and family members. Limiting the number of destinations for junk enabled us to completely declutter her three-story home in about 48 working hours. Had my client micromanaged the disposal of her cast-offs, the time it took to declutter her home would have DOUBLED.

Hear me loud and clear: micromanagement is rarely the most efficient use of either time or money. Unless you enjoy the micromanagement of your things, make disposal of your stuff quick and easy. Save your time and money to deck your halls with O.C.D.-esque perfection.