Your life is stuffed with useful things, and you have run out of places to put everything away.
The new cell phone your brother gave you for Christmas isn't junk, but you save the box it came in, in case you need to refer to it sometime. The sweater you bought on sale at Macy's isn't junk, but you had to take a cardigan off your closet shelf and cram it into your t-shirt drawer in order to make space for the new sweater. The fake poinsettias you bought (see previous post) are lovely, but now you're faced with sorting through previous years' Christmas decor hidden in eight boxes in the garage and weed through them in order to make room for the poinsettias.
Most all of what you have on shelves, in closets, stacked in the garage, piled in the basement are useful things: electronics boxes, sweaters, Christmas decor. But are they useful to you RIGHT NOW?
If all that stuff you have stored away was useful to you, right now, then you would be USING IT right now.
But you're not.
For your own peace of mind, admit that those things aren't being used by you, and let them go to someone who will gladly put them to use right now.
This isn't brain surgery, and you're too overwhelmed with the after-Christmas stuff-glut to read a longer post anyway, so just GET RID OF THE JUNK!
Contact one of the charities below and arrange to have them haul off all that excess you've got stashed away. You will bless others in need, you will gain extra space for what you use on a daily basis, plus, you'll receive a tax-deductible receipt for what you give away!
Goodwill Industries:
Salvation Army:
St. Vincent de Paul:
Many blessings to you!